Is your landlord’s lawyer Balsamo Rosenblatt & Hall, PC ? E4F would like to know
Has your landlord ever used the law firm Balsamo Rosenblatt & Hall, PC to take you to court?
Attorney General James is suing this firm because “ Balsamo Failed to Conduct Any Meaningful Reviews of Their Cases, Causing Tenants to be Wrongfully Sued or Evicted”
We have confirmed that one of the landlords we are currently fighting does use this firm!
We love to know if your landlord does too!
Please text or email Equality for Flatbush (E4F) at :
English: (646) 820-6039 /
Kreyol: (929) 244-0885 / EnKreyol@equalityforflatbush.
Spanish: (732)641-3923 /