Equality for Flatbush believes housing should be a right, not a privilege!
Affordable Housing
Equality for Flatbush believes housing should be a right, NOT a privilege! This is why we organize tenants – rent-stabilized and un-regulated – to fight against harassment and displacement. We partner with and support the campaigns tenant rights groups across the city. We also compile information in order to connect Brooklyn residents to reliable housing and legal resources. We believe that all of us – low-to-middle income, long-time and new residents, people of color and white people – have a stake in the urgent struggle to save affordable housing in Brooklyn.
If you are a Brooklyn residential or commercial tenant, or homeowner experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources, contact us below.
Below is a compiled list of tenant, homeowner, legal and community resources

Housing Resources
B4G’s Rent History, Repairs and Overcharges APP (2021)
20 Facts that every Brooklyn tenant should know 2021 (English, Spanish, Kreyol (2019))
Housing Connect: Portal to find and apply for affordable rental and homeownership opportunities
Summary of How Landlords do buyouts (Shortened)
Step by Step on How landlords do Buy Outs (Full Version)
A Landlord’s guide to use surveillance cameras
Met Council of Housing NYC Tenant Help and FAQ
JustFixNYC: Request repairs/issues letters of complaint, learn about the process of taking your landlord to housing court, research property owner, respond to an eviction notice, and get full rent history

Community Resources

Legal Resources
The State of Black Immigrants
DO NOT CALL Predatory List of Lawyers 2024
Immigrant Defense Project & CCR’s ICE Raids Toolkit with Appendices
New Sanctuary Coalition: Keeping families together and advocating against deportations
CORE: community-based human services organization
TakeRoot Justice: Providing legal, participatory research and policy support
P-EBT Food Benefits FAQ
Small Business Legal Relief Alliance
COVID resources for undocumented immigrants
Tenant Rights Hotline: 212-979-0611
Hotline will remains OPEN with new expanded hours! Mon & Wed 1:30-8pm, Tue, 5:30-8pm, Fri 1:30-5pm

Maxx Properties
Maxx Properties is a notorious national real estate company owned and operated by the Wiener Family. For decades shareholders and rent-stabilized tenants living in four co-op buildings in Flatbush, Brooklyn, have endured living in dangerous and hazardous conditions due to the extreme amount of mold build-up in their homes. Residents have consistently complained about the significant water leaks that has caused the mold but Maxx Properties refuses to adequately fix the leaks or remove the mold.
These residents have also complained about the lack of heat, the lack of repairs, the lack of roach extermination, broken or outdated windows, broken or outdated kitchen cabinets, the lack cleanliness of common areas, rent overcharges as well as accusations of both racial and sexual harassment by Maxx Properties employees. Equality for Flatbush is currently working with the newly founded residents association of 3400 Snyder, 3500 Snyder, 282 E 35th & 285 E 35th Street to hold Maxx Properties accountable.
News & Updates
Fire at #MaxxProperties Building
It is with a heavy heart that we report on the devastating fire at #3400Snyder , a building in the Flatbush Residents against #MaxxProperties struggle . This is the community memorial set up for the 13-year-old young person who perished in the fire. Many families have...
Sign the Petition : Support the DEMANDS of Flatbush Residents Against Maxx Properties
Please Sign & Support the DEMANDS of Flatbush Residents Against Maxx Properties Residents of 282 E. 35th St., 285 E. 35th St., 3400 Snyder Ave., 3500 Snyder Ave. https://chng.it/LhHJk7yKcp #StopMaxxProperties #WienerFamilyGreed...
What’s Going On
View and download the Media Advisory here
For some time, Equality for Flatbush has received numerous complaints by both shareholders and rent-stabilized tenants living in co-op buildings at 3400 Snyder, 3500 Snyder, 282 E 35th St, & 285 E 35th St located in Flatbush, Brooklyn. All four buildings are managed by Maxx Properties which is owned by the Wiener Family.
These complaints include rent overcharges, the lack of repairs, the lack of mold removal, damages due to leaks , as well as accusations of both racial and sexual harassment by Maxx Properties employees. Here is a recent video from Ms. Francis, a Black rent-stabilized tenant, living at 3400 Snyder Ave, documenting the lack of repairs and mold removal in her apartment . She also reports, that she has endured years of racially-based harassment by Maxx Properties as well as being sexually harassed by an Maxx Properties employee. Ms. Francis is asking for assistance from the general public to please call Maxx Properties at 914-899-8000 to demand they thoroughly remove the mold which is impacting her health.
Please Stop Maxx Properties from harassing Flatbush tenant Ms. Francis
If you are a BROOKLYN residential or commercial TENANT or HOMEOWNER experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources please contact us at:
In English: B4G@equalityforflatbush.org or (646)820-6039
En Español: EnEspanol@equalityforflatbush.org or (732)641-3923
En Kréyol: EnKreyol@equalityforflatbush.org or (929)244-0885
2273 Church Avenue
POB# 260505
Brooklyn, NY 11226