Equality for Flatbush defines ‘gentrification’ as a concerted, deliberate effort to price out low-to-middle income residents from neighborhoods by city government, corporations, real estate developers, and landlords in favor of renting, selling, and catering to people of higher and/or more flexible incomes. We see gentrification as an intersectional issue that is deeply connected to the ways that race, class, gender, sexuality, gender identity, age, ability, nation of origin, immigration status, physical and mental capacity, etc. impact individuals and our communities.
We know from first-hand experience that the same unscrupulous property owners who use tactics to force long-time older tenants of color out of their rent-stabilized apartments will turn around and illegally overcharge incoming younger white tenants for the same apartment.
For this very reason, we believe that all of us-long-time and new residents, communities of color and white communities, low-income and middle-class people – have a stake in the urgent struggle to save affordable housing in Brooklyn.
If you are a BROOKLYN residential or commercial TENANT or HOMEOWNER experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources
please contact us at:
or call/text (646)820-6039
En Español: (862) 438-5060
En Kréyol: (707) 200-3692
In Chinese: (929) 314-1292
1214 Dean Street
Local business owners Loretta Gendville and Gennaro Brooks-Church are illegally and unlawfully forcing eviction on largely Black/POC and LGBTQ residents of a Crown Heights building at 1214 Dean Street. DURING A PANDEMIC.
Brooklyn Tenants File To Join As Plaintiffs in City Suit Against Landlords Gennaro Brooks-Church & Loretta Gendville.
- They are illegally renting out rooms in a multi-family dwelling.
- They have not provided required formal eviction paperwork from Brooklyn Housing Court to any tenant.
- Loretta has illegally taken tenant’s property out of their homes against their will.
- They have turned off WIFI until tenants giver their move out date during a time when work has to happen from home.
#BoycottPlanted (
#BoycottAreaKids (Fort Greene/Carroll Gardens)
#BoycottAreaYogaSpa (Carroll Gardens/Park Slope/Downtown BK)
Boycott their businesses and CALL, EMAIL, or TWEET to let them know that we will not tolerate treating community members like this!
Loretta Gendville:
718.506.6449 or
Twitter @lgendville
Gennaro Brooks-Church:
Twitter @EcoBrooklyn
Facebook GennaroBrooksChurch
VIDEO: Gennaro Brooks-Church being forced out after attempting to stage an illegal eviction
Hold #EmigrantBank accountable for racism against homeowners of color today!
Sign the petition to hold them accountable today:
Action Alert! 7/13 Action Alert! Tell Jonas Equities to Resolve the Clean Up of Sewage and Repairs for 89 Year Old Tenant Mr. Jean IMMEDIATELY
GREAT NEWS! Jonas Equities started repairs to Mr. Jean’s and the other apartment affected by two consecutive days of flooding! Your calls and emails to Jonas Equities show the power of community action at work!
Unfortunately, the residual effects of the sewage leak, including the smell, damage and/or loss to personal belongings and floors has not been fully resolved. In fact, due to the high summer temperatures, the smell of sewage and chemicals is impacting tenants throughout the building.
The Tenant Association is asking for your help in continuing to keep the pressure on Jonas Equities, to uphold its responsibility to the tenants who have been displaced from their homes for over 15 days.
Jonas Equities needs to resolve the clean-up and the repairs related to the sewage leak ASAP!
Please call: Jonas Equities Management Inc
Phone: (718) 871-6020
Please Target landlord
Sam Jacobowitz: / (718) 871-6020 / 631-962-7384
Lawrence Bernstein: / (718) 871-6020 /
#JonasEquities #MYNYCLandlord
If you live in one of Abeco Management’s 37 properties across Manhattan and Brooklyn, we want to hear from you. Abeco is notorious for predatory behavior such as refusing to take Section 8 housing vouchers, refusing to make repairs, racism towards Black and Brown tenants, the use of white supremacist tactics to force tenants out of their homes, and the destruction of the Bay Ridge United Methodist Church.
Contact Equality for Flatbush at or (929) 324-7828 if you have experienced these things or any other exploitative behavior. Help us hold Abeco accountable! #beforeitsgone #noevictionzone #equalityforflatbush #abecomanagement
On June 14th at 10:30pm, Equality for Flatbush, a Black Lives Matter, anti-gentrification/ displacement, police abolition group in Brooklyn, NY launched a national campaign to shutdown the “Peaceful Ditmas Park” Facebook page, created by Irina Manta, a white gentrifier appealing to the NYPD, Mayor DeBlasio and other elected officials“to do something” about “fireworks and loud music”.
Read the rest of our statement here:
Equality for Flatbush : E4F profusely thanks filmmaker Shaquille Romblay for this AMAZING anti-#gentrification video!
#EqualityforFlatbush Video #ThisIsFlatbush : Fighting Back Against the Corporate Rebranding of Flatbush, Brooklyn #ThisIsFlatbush #FlatbushForever #LittleCaribbean #Beforeitsgone #TakeItBack #BrooklynisNotforSale
B4G sticker sightings:
Just a saw a #BeforeItsgone Sticker ???
Please TAKE A PICTURE & Post it to social media using #beforeitsgone hashtag OR send the picture to or text (646)820-6039

Equality for Flatbush calls for the ARREST of Racist Slumlord Isaac Pollack for Tenant Harassment
#ArrestIsaacPollack #NoEvictionZone #MYNYCLANDLORD #TenantsFightBack #BLACKLIVESMATTER
The Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network (BAN) is a people of color-led, mass-based coalition of tenants, homeowners, block associations, anti-police brutality groups, legal and grassroots organizations working together to end the rampant gentrification and displacement of low to middle income residents of Brooklyn, New York. BAN was initiated by Equality for Flatbush in 2015. To Get Involved Join The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network – BAN Community List

The Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network (BAN) in solidarity with our member organization Mi Casa No Es Su Casa opposes the current plan to rezone the neighborhood of Bushwick as endorsed by Brooklyn Community Board 4 with Council Members Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal. We know all too well that the process of rezoning, the change of land use initiated under the guise of community preservation and additional affordable housing, far too often becomes a hostage situation where communities bargain for crumbs with the city or risk getting nothing. The general public should understand that rezoning is an opportunity for real estate interests to raise real estate prices and their subsequent abilities to make profits under our feet, and that no level of additional services or amenities that our neighborhoods already deserve should be used to justify this fact.
When Mayor De Blasio was first elected mayor in 2013, his answer to the city’s housing crisis was a plan that called for the construction and preservation of 200,000 affordable units across the city. The majority of this goal would be through saving units from falling out of the state’s rent stabilization program but 80,000 of that number would be newly built in fifteen communities chosen to be rezoned for increased density to accommodate that new construction. In addition, the city passed a new housing policy, known as Mandatory Inclusionary Housing, to encourage more affordable units across the city, but only mandatory after a neighborhood is rezoned. This policy was the supposed solution to counteract the a wave of market rate development coming not only to the targeted communities of the rezonings but citywide.
But what happens when affordable housing isn’t affordable enough for the community already there? During the Bloomberg administration, dozens of neighborhoods were rezoned in ways that changed the rental landscape of the city, often subsidized by programs such as the 421a tax abatement and with very few demands of developers for affordable housing and no protections for current tenants. One of the worst examples was the Williamsburg and Greenpoint waterfront rezoning, where in exchange for an upzoning that would allow 20 and 30 story towers, promises were made but not kept and new developments have led to the displacement of tens of thousands of former rent stabilized tenants and small businesses within the rezoned and adjacent areas.
Fast forward a dozen years and the failures of that process have shown up on the steps of Bushwick, which has seen some of the highest rent increases over the past 10 years and has been found to be the neighborhood most likely to have housing code violations in the city. In 2014, Brooklyn Community Board 4 with Council Members Antonio Reynoso and Rafael Espinal created a process they have called the “Bushwick Community Plan”, which now consists of a Steering Committee for mostly staff of nonprofits that stand to potentially gain through improved relationships with council members based on their support of the process and may have disproportionate power over which parts of the community are represented in these conversations and which are not. Truly, the Bushwick Community Plan has been anything but community focused, as was best exemplified by Brooklyn Department of City Planning director Winston Von Engel when he said at a February community meeting about the plan that “our intention is to preserve the character and the buildings, not the people in them.”
We as the residents of this city must recognize this Freudian slip for the truth it holds of this process. The goal of the dozens of small meetings behind closed doors has never been to address the needs of Bushwick residents for better enforcement of tenant law against landlords, seek to use land available for the creation of affordable housing or for additional municipal services – school seats, public transportation, garbage removal, etc – that many local residents have advocated for in good faith. What has actually happened is an illusion of democracy that is being calibrated to both meet the mayor’s intended quota for the neighborhood and minimize potential community backlash. The Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network demands no more rezonings as a tool to allow record real-estate profits in the name of community preservation and for the Bushwick Plan Steering Committee to end this process before irreparable harm is done to the neighborhood.
For more info contact : 646-820-6039|
The next Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network is meeting every week until the March on September 21st. Join us this upcoming Monday at 7p on the 2nd floor of the NYC Solidarity Center located at 147 W 24th St, New York, NY 10011 (elevator accessible). Help us plan for the 3rd annual Brooklyn March against Gentrification, Racism and Displacement! Dinner will be provided. All are welcome.
Contact : or call/text (646) 820 -6039
For details on the next planning meeting :

Real Estate Watch (REW) works to hold predatory landlords and developers accountable by providing empirical information and tools to empower Brooklyn residents and small businesses. Real Estate Watch (REW) is the investigative research project of Equality for Flatbush.
Current Real Estate Watch Campaigns:
- Equality for Flatbush releases Lefferts Capital LLC Real Estate Watch Fact Sheet
- Equality for Flatbush’s Real Estate Watch creates Map of Properties Bought up by Predator Developer #OzoneDevelopment, LLC
- Real Estate Watch releases Fact Sheet on a predatory developer, Rafael (Rafi) Manor
- Real Estate Watch releases Fact Sheet on predatory lender, Selene Finance
Selene Finance has been identified to us by homeowners in our community as a key target due to their predatory practices. Real Estate Watch, Equality for Flatbush’s investigative research team, has released a fact sheet to document the key players profiting off Selene Fianance and their fraudulent practices.
The intent of this initiative is to bring new residents together, building by building, block by block, in solidarity against the skyrocketing rents and property grabs by developers that is transforming our neighborhoods.
Contact us for information on how to get involved.
If you are a BROOKLYN residential or commercial TENANT or HOMEOWNER experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources please contact us at:
In English: or (646)820-6039
En Español: or (732)641-3923
En Kréyol: or (929)244-0885
2273 Church Avenue
POB# 260505
Brooklyn, NY 11226