Equality for Flatbush defines ‘gentrification’ as a concerted, deliberate effort to price out low-to-middle income residents from neighborhoods by city government, corporations, real estate developers, and landlords in favor of renting, selling, and catering to people of higher and/or more flexible incomes.
We see gentrification as an intersectional issue that is deeply connected to the ways that race, class, gender, sexuality, gender identity, age, ability, nation of origin, immigration status, physical and mental capacity, etc. impact individuals and our communities.
We know from first-hand experience that the same unscrupulous property owners who use tactics to force long-time older tenants of color out of their rent-stabilized apartments will turn around and illegally overcharge incoming younger white tenants for the same apartment.
For this very reason, we believe that all of us-long-time and new residents, communities of color and white communities, low-income and middle-class people – have a stake in the urgent struggle to save affordable housing in Brooklyn.
If you are a Brooklyn residential or commercial tenant, or homeowner experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources, contact us below.
Before it ‘s Gone/ Take It Back (B4G) is Equality for Flatbush Brooklyn-wide anti-gentrification / anti-displacement campaign
VIDEO Footage of the July 25th 2019 Community Speak Out to #Save227Duffield. 227 Duffield is a stop on the Underground Railroad in Brooklyn , NY that a developer wants to demolish to make luxury rentals .
Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network (BAN)
The Brooklyn Anti-Gentrification Network (BAN) is a people of color-led, mass-based coalition of tenants, homeowners, block associations, anti-police brutality groups, legal and grassroots organizations working together to end the rampant gentrification and displacement of low to middle income residents of Brooklyn, New York. BAN was initiated by Equality for Flatbush in 2015.
If you are a NYC resident who wants to be connected to city-wide anti-gentrification movement, Please join The Brooklyn Anti-gentrification Network – BAN Community List :
CONTACT: or call/text (646) 820 -6039
Real Estate Watch (REW)
Real Estate Watch (REW) works to hold predatory landlords and developers accountable by providing empirical information and tools to empower Brooklyn residents and small businesses. Real Estate Watch (REW) is the investigative research project of Equality for Flatbush.
Lefferts Capital LLC
Equality for Flatbush releases Lefferts Capital LLC Real Estate Watch Fact Sheet
Predator Developer #OzoneDevelopment, LLC
Equality for Flatbush’s Real Estate Watch creates Map of Properties Bought up by Predator Developer #OzoneDevelopment, LLC
Predatory developer Rafael (Rafi) Manor
Since 2017, Equality for Flatbush has been fighting with several Black homeowners who have sustained thousands of dollars of damages because of predatory developers who “house flip”. These predatory develops purchase property next to a long-time Black homeowner, damage the homeowner’s property which leads to lengthy and costly court battles. Several homeowners have reported that they believe the developer had purposely damaged their property in order to get them to sell their homes. Real Estate Watch, Equality for Flatbush’s investigative research team, has released a fact sheet on Rafael Manor who has been identified as one of these predatory developers. Enjoy.
Predatory Lender Selene Finance
Selene Finance has been identified to us by homeowners in our community as a key target due to their predatory practices. Real Estate Watch, Equality for Flatbush’s investigative research team, has released a fact sheet to document the key players profiting off Selene Fianance and their fraudulent practices.
#ThisIsFlastbush is a campaign against the corporate re-branding of Flatbush, East Flatbush and Crown Heights
If you are a BROOKLYN residential or commercial TENANT or HOMEOWNER experiencing harassment or need housing, legal or organizing resources please contact us at:
In English: or (646)820-6039
En Español: or (732)641-3923
En Kréyol: or (929)244-0885
2273 Church Avenue
POB# 260505
Brooklyn, NY 11226