6/7/2019 Video Documenting Police Harassment of Black High School Student at Jay Street / MetroTech
On June 7th, at aproximatelty 2:30pm, 5 NYPD plainclothes officers surrounded 1 Black male High School Student at The Jay Street / MetroTech Stop. Fearing for her friend’s safety, a female high school student asked an E4F activist to start filming.
Much thanks to the E4F activists who filmed and edited this video.
If you are a Brooklyn resident that has been stopped, harassed, detained, or brutalized by the police – PLEASE contact Equality for Flatbush to document it and/or obtain legal resources at PoliceWork@
#NoCommunityOccupation #EndBrokenWindows #WatchTheCops
UPDATE on Davonte Pressley’s Legal Case & Urgent Appeal for Funds to pay for his legal defense.
E4F has pledged to raise $7,500 for Davonte’s defense.

New E4F video on the struggle to raise bail for Davonte Pressley
DONATE TODAY to #BringDavonteHome!
Davonte’s bail was set at 250k, leaving his family to come up with 20% (50k) to get him out which they cannot afford. Please make a donation with whatever you can through PayPal: paulettepressley@gmail.com
Video by Hazel Field for the E4F Video Strike Force
Davonte Pressley is a 25-year old Black spoken-word artist and lifelong East Flatbush resident. He is also a man living with a mental health condition who called 911 for help on October 23rd, 2016. When officers from the 67th PCT arrived at the scene, Davonte was shot 3 times by NYPD Officer Miguel Gonsalves. 9 months later, on July 31st, this same officer Miguel Gonsalves, would shoot and kill Dwayne Jeune, another young Black East Flatbush resident, whose mother also simply called 911 for help.
Fortunately, Davonte Pressley survived being shot, but endured 19 hours in surgery and has now spent close to 2 years in jail for daring to reach out for help. He has never been convicted of a crime yet has been vilified in the press. Please donate and help us #BringDavonteHome!
#HealthcareNotHandcuffs #BringDavonteHome #BlackLivesMatter
If you are a Flatbush or East Flatbush resident that has been stopped, harassed, detained, or brutalized by the police – PLEASE contact Equality for Flatbush to document it and/or obtain legal resources at policeworkequalityforflatbush.org or call /text(646)820-6039
En Español: EnEspanol@
En Kréyol: EnKreyol@equalityforflatbush.